Sunday, January 31, 2010


Know how when you're getting a shot at the doctors or at the dentist and they always tell you to think of a happy place? What do people think of? I think most everyone probably thinks of Disneyland. When you're grown up they let you watch the needle, so that's what I do now.


Megan said...

i still don't ever want to look at a needle going into my body. ever.

Dan said...

When I was in 5th grade a had a lot of major dental work to install a root canal in one of my front teeth. I had to go back to the dentist once a week for like 5 weeks. He would always tell me to think of a happy place while he was injecting anesthesia numb-er into my upper gum. And I would feel such a strong pinch from the needle that I wanted to pass out. To make matters worse, I had never been to Disneyland so I never could think of a happy place fast enough before he jammed that stupid needle into my mouth. Man, I could only dream that Disneyland had to be better than that.

EmmaP said...

what??? You LOOK at the needle? Are you INSANE?

starting at age 15, I have had 3 oral surgeries, 3 **other** surgeries (the kinds requiring hospital stays), SEVERAL trips to the instacare, dr. visits and the birth of three children... so I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was poked and prodded with needles for shots, or blood tests, or IVs... but I have **NEVER** **EVER** **EVER** looked at a needle. Wow... you are definitely a GUY! (either a brave one or a stupid one!) ;)

FTR, I have never thought of a "happy place". Mostly I thought, "Oh.My.Gosh.He.Is.Going.To.Stick.Me.With.A.Freakin.Needle! Look Away! Look Away!"

Oh - and also FTR, I don't mind the dentist anymore. He gives me that little nitrous-filled mask that makes me high, and on top of that uses the numming gel all along my gum line. And that's just for the cleaning, thank you verrrry much. So, either I am one scaredy-cat of a woman, or smart! hahaha!

thanks for the trip down memory lane!!!