Saturday, June 7, 2008

Belated Spring Cleaning

As we were packing boxes to move to Lehi, father of Nephi, we realized that we have a lot of really cool stuff!!! In fact so much cool stuff that we need to dispose of some of it. So like any other resourceful techno-savvy nice guy, I stayed up late last night after the kid was in bed, and I posted it all for super cheap on KSL. Dr. Lawton always said that Ziploc baggies were the best invention for geotechnical engineering, and I say that KSL classifieds is the best invention for us Utahns.

Anyway, here are some links to cool stuff that we are selling. Let me know if you want this stuff. If you are our family or friends we will totally just give it to you because what the heck are we going to do with it?

Vintage 1989 20-inch Color Magnavox TV with Remote!!

6-ft Decorative Hanging Shelf with Pegs!

~50+ ft of 4-ft Chain Link Fencing + Extras! Dog Run

Vintage New in Box Fill-A-Bowl

Webwave Pacific Wireless Rootenna + Extras!!

guess which one of these listings has had the most hits! Who'd a known it's the chain link fence?

What in the world makes chain link fence so popular? Next most popular was the wooden shelf (probably because I used the word "pegs" in the title, LUCKY!). The funny thing is, is that both those things were things that we inherited when we left the land bountiful and came to Lehi's Deseret.

Totally just let us know if you want some of this stuff. We all know how super sweet it is.


Megan said...

my favorite would have to be the new vintage fill a bowl. It would make a really nice wedding present. For example.

Beth said...

I've never seen a fill-a-bowl until now. Sweet! I especially liked the picture of it filled with potpourri. It reminded me of Grandma Rass filling her vases with crappy dollar store potpourri and christmas lights. good times.