Sunday, June 1, 2008

things what life's done taught me

For the last few years I have developed a complex related to bearing my testimony or giving sacrament meeting talks because it seemed like all I could think of were mission experiences. I felt like I was missing out on something about life because I had no other cool experiences besides my mission. Not that it’s bad to share mission stories, but in sacrament meeting and Deacon’s Quorum not everyone has served a mission and the stories at times seem really far away (our house to Campinas is nearly five years and 6,025 miles).

When I’ve had time to ponder, I’ve thought a lot about this complex. A while ago I realized that I just haven’t had enough pondering time to observe the lessons that have actually been amply dished out to me. During Elders Quorum today the phrase “life happens fast” from those credit card commercials kept coming to mind. I suddenly realized that I have been learning a lot and that I do have some amazing experiences to share. They may not be on the same par for spirituality or significance as some of the mission experiences, but they have helped to mold me into who I am today.

The Elders Quorum lesson was adapted from President Eyring’s Priesthood Session talk this past April. He was speaking of the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. He mentioned what a daunting challenge it is to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. President Eyring continued to explain some of the blessings associated with being a priesthood holder.

It was the word “daunting” that got the wheels in my mind turning in a blur. Megan and I have faced and will continue to face some VERY daunting challenges in our lives. For example, the very week that we jumped into committing to homeownership, we discovered that we were pregnant with twins. On top of that we have a lovely and BUSY 20-month old and I have a thesis project that needs completion.

Even with all this, as I take a step back to think of what events transpired to get us here, all the priesthood-holding blessings mentioned by President Eyring seem to relate to our lives. For example, the fact that we’re having twins and that I have a really good job and that I have finished school just in time to get the boys, shows that Heavenly Fathers loves us and is fully aware of our situation. Megan and I know that as we work to raise our family in righteousness that we will receive help from others, especially our dear extended family members whom we love and appreciate so much. President Eyring said: “Second, as you will try to keep your covenants, the Savior has promised His personal help. He has said that as you go forward in honoring the priesthood: “There I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”2 We know that the Lord’s help will be manifested through others that will be by our side.

If anyone else out there feels like me, like they have been running through life at a million miles an hour and have not had the opportunity to stop and partake of the rose-like scents of living, find sometime to relax, recount thoughts and write them down. I’m glad that I can. I will continue to share some experiences on this blog. Who knows? Maybe some of the high school experiences that I can remember will end up in updated Aaronic Priesthood manuals. But then again, they might still be outdated because I didn’t have a cell phone or an iPod back then (but we did have the internet!).


Megan said...

well your life's`done taught you some good things. yourwife has too, come to think of it.

Beth said...

I see the Williams' family "hick talk" has left in indellible impression on you as well - what life's done taught you. Sweet.
Also, I've recently come to appreciate Pres. Eyring as well. I just read his priesthood session talk from a year ago relating to the daunting prospect of bearing your priesthood responsibilities well. I applied his words to my renewed responsibilities (I just done birthed) of motherhood and found a lot of good advice and reassurance from him. What a great man! I'm glad he's in the first presidency!
Lastly (sheesh! what a long comment!) life does go fast. I feel so guilty that I haven't taken more pictures of Mary or written in my journal more about her first weeks of life, or that I haven't read Clara that many books lately. But as Joel reminds me, I can only do the best I can each day. I still feel guilty, but...